Case Study

Showing commitment to DEI through Employee Engagement Surveys

Power to Change

Power to Change is a UK charity with a mission to strengthen communities through community business. The organisation brings partners together to fund, grow and back community business and make places thrive.

Using employee feedback to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace

Power to Change use their annual employee engagement survey to gather feedback on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The organisation makes employee feedback-based changes to improve DEI and ensure they align with the communities they serve.

Committing to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Power to Change runs annual employee engagement surveys, covering many topics including values, engagement, and benefits.

In 2021, Power to Change added Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a topic in their annual engagement survey, as this is a huge priority for the organisation. DEI is vital for Power to Change; they work as champions for the community business sector and strive to live up to the high standards of the sector which they serve.

Power to Change is committed to an evidence-based approach where data plays a key part of understanding and evaluating how effective their approach is.

Gathering employee feedback using engagement surveys

Using Agenda Consulting’s survey technology and analysis tools, Power to Change can focus on using anonymous feedback paired with some basic staff details such as demographics and organisational level. This allows them to compare, for example, the feedback of disabled staff vs nondisabled staff for how inclusive our culture is, allowing them to focus their attention where most improvement is needed.

As well as asking DEI questions in their employee engagement survey, Power to Change has introduced a number of other initiatives to address this topic. These include redesigning their recruitment practices, updating their policies based on sector best practice, critically evaluating their internal processes to help root out discrimination, providing a programme of staff training and learning on DEI, and working with sector partners to design new approaches for DEI.

Agenda are clearly experts. We can ask the team any questions about the design of our survey and use their expertise to build it in the best way possible. We love the data analysis and level of drilling-down that Agenda’s survey technology provides. We can log in to the platform and pull out the figures that we want to see with ease. We have the best relationship with Agenda. We know our surveys will always be handled with care, especially when it comes to confidentiality and data security.

Having difficult conversations and building employee trust

Asking questions about DEI opens up conversations that can be difficult. Power to Change is committed to having these conversations and not avoiding the topic just because it can be tricky.

The organisation practices transparency by sharing their survey results and DEI insight with all staff as soon as possible, accompanying the results with an action plan, and talking about the issues raised.

Power to Change has found that showing that you want to make positive change goes a long way; staff are open to collaboratively working together to improve processes. Because staff can see that their feedback is being taken seriously and incorporated into organisational plans, they trust the organisation to move in the right direction.

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