Case Study

Taking a global approach to an employee survey

Norwegian Refugee Council

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) needed an employee survey partner to gain insight into how their people experience their role across multiple countries, in multiple languages.

Listening to all of your people

When NRC started surveying their people, they began with their head office team. The organisation shortly decided they would need to run a global employee engagement survey, covering all their country programmes, in order to listen to the views of the organisation.


  • Listen to all employees across the whole organisation.
  • Make sure their surveys are accessible to all employees.
  • Measure and improve employee engagement.


Agenda worked with NRC to develop their first global employee engagement survey covering more than 6,000 people across 33 countries in 4 different languages.

NRC has been able to track their survey results over time, break down results by country programmes, identify trends and patterns and benchmark their results with other INGOs.


  • NRC have now conducted two global, multi-language surveys to listen to the views of their people.
  • Agenda is now NRC’s trusted survey partner and with which the organisation has conducted a further gender equality survey and pulse survey.
  • NRC are now able to measure and sustain high levels of employee engagement across all of their country offices.

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