We are delighted to have partnered with Humentum to deliver the ‘Engagement Trends from the Global Development Workforce’ white paper.
Developing engagement survey questions can be hard, with multiple priorities fighting to be included whilst balancing the need to keep the survey quick and easy for people to complete.
This is especially true in the context of decentralisation and working towards more equitable, locally led development.
To help address this challenge, we analysed the data from 24 INGOs’ engagement surveys conducted in the last two years, aiming to understand the following questions:
- What are current trends that INGO engagement surveys can tell us about staff engagement, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), power relationships, leadership and culture today?
- Are the questions being asked in engagement surveys fit-for-purpose in today’s development workforce? How can questions be improved to get to more equitable, resilient, and accountable organization?
This report details what we found, including which survey questions INGOs should consider including in their employee surveys to gather meaningful and insightful feedback.