
UN System COVID-19 Staff Health and Well-being Survey 2020 Summary Report

The Survey

The United Nations System COVID-19 Staff Health and Well-being Survey covered a number of questions related to well-being (including WHO-5 questionnaire) and the impact of COVID-19 on health and well-being. 5,539 people responded to the survey from 13 UN agencies.

The Team

The survey was a partnership between UN System Workplace Mental Health and Well-being Implementation Board and Agenda Consulting.

In addition, a team of survey focal points from participating organizations and support from staff federations/unions ensured the survey success.

The Report

In this report we present a summary of the results. A key findings report, which includes further detailed findings and information on the survey methodology, is available upon request.

If you have any questions or comments about the findings, feel free to get in touch. We’d be delighted to hear from you.


Download the report

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